Latest News
Latest report 20 December 2024
Today we have published a report about hybrid publishing companies
7 July 2023
Today we published a report on the present state of CSR in China
Here is a report on how the Swedish companies fared at Corporate Knights’ annual survey. Forskningsrapport 1 2023
4 May 2022
The Swedish parliament decided on 27 April to support the creation of a ”House of Sweden” in Taiwan. Lots of issues to contemplate. Forskningsrapport 1 2022
30 August 2020
Study on how the Swedish state administration system handled the challenge of the Corona epidemic Coronakrisen 2 2020
25 februari 2020
A report on the fact that the Corona epidemic puts a stress test on the traditional Swedish system of state administration Coronakrisen 1 2020
1 May 2019
Rapport om CSR-utbildning i Kina CSR-utbildning i Kina 2019
29 April 2019
Lansering av projekt om svenska företags historia i Kina Report 1 2019 Swedish business history in China
9 november 2018
En rapport om CSR-utbildning på universitet i Kina och studenternas syn. CSR-utbildning i Kina 4 2018
4 September 2018
An article on anti-corruption submitted last week to Dagens IndustriKan Sverige återta sin roll som ledande anti-korruptionsland
29 January 2018
A report on the EU directive on non-financial reporting Reflections on EU reporting directive
13 januari 2018
En rapport om demokratiseringen i Taiwan och Chiang Ching-kuos roll rapport 1 2018 Cheng Tzu-tsai
October 2017
A report about the start of the first business and human rights trial in Sweden that started this weekFirst BHR trial in Sweden Boliden-Arica
September 2017
Here are CSRCOM reflections from the CSR COM 2017 conference in Vienna
Here is my contribution to the CSR COM 2017 conference in Vienna CSRCOM 2017 extended abstract
10 March 2017
Today the German parliament adopted a law introducing the EU directive 2014/95 in German legislation. The law follows the EU minimum rules and will therefor apply to only 300 German companies. EU Directive German decision 1 2017
20 december/December 2016
Välgörenhet och CSR är ett tema som fått stor aktualitet. Se vår rapport Välgörenhet Report 10/2016 With a summary in English of our report on philanthropy and CSR.
1 november/November 2016
Riksdagen godkände 26 oktober regeringens ambitiösa förslag till hållbarhetsredovisning.EUs hållbarhetsredovisning rapport 8/2016 / On 26 October the Swedish parliament approved the government’s ambitious bill on sustainability reporting. Swedish Parliament on Sustainability Reporting Report 9/2016
20 oktober 2016
Justitieutskottet har publicerat sitt betänkande om regeringens förslag till hållbarhetsredovisningslag. EUs hållbarhetsredovisning rapport 7 2016-10-20
4 August 2016
We are happy to publish a report by Frans Libertsson on the umbrella revolution in Hong Kong and its environmental impact, or rather how the environmental movement can develop in the context of a social movement. Frans defended this master thesis recently at the University of Lund. The full title is Fighting the Dragon and Riding the way of Love and Peace. Upload here 6 2016!
24 juli 2016
Hongkongs demokratipionjär Martin Lee höll ett tal på Foreign Correspondents’ Club 16 juni för att förklara sin syn på Hongkongs unga demokratiaktivister följt av tal som hölls av Joshua Wong och Nathan Law i slutet av juni. Ladda ner Hongkongs unga demokrater
1 June
We have written a slightly shorter English version, 4/2016, about the proposed bill to implement the EU directive on sustainability reporting. Click here to download the report! Sw impl of EU directive
1 juni 2016
Regerings förslag till lag om hållbarhetsredovisning för tillämpning av EU-direktivet. New Context publicerar forskningsrapport 3/2016 med beskrivning och kommentarer. Klicka här för att ladda ner rapporten! Svensk impl. av EUs hållbarhetsrapportering
Forskningsrapporten 1/2016 CSR in China – how to raise the level? Can Chinese and foreign companies learn from each other’s? To upload, click on this link. CSR in Chinese and foreign companies 160310
Forskningsrapporten 2/2016 distribueras enbart i pappersform. Skriv och beställ.